Day 3 Report

.Day 3 - 29/5/07 - Ipswich

Bruce's Report: Steve started the walking section of the journey today leaving the banks of the Bremmer River at 10:15AM.

The support crew drove the vehicle and trailer to the Ipswich City Mall and set up a display for a meet and greet with the community. Steve turned a few heads as he marched into the Mall towing his kayak.

Councillor Andrew Antoniolli from Ipswich Council and Kirsty Hogarth from Ipswich Water met us and Steve was able to give them a few tips in paddling. Thanks go to Beata Hogarth from Ipswich City Council for all her work organising the day.

We were approached by some very interested people who added their good wishes to the many already received. One gentleman in particular had some interesting comments on the situation out west. He has just returned from a trip and from his observations it doesn't look like Steve will be paddling again any time soon.

During the afternoon Steve and Bruce met with Farnie Swanepoel from GLOBAL Satellite Phones and Data Communcation who are supporting the trip and Farnie presented the team with a satellite phone. We thank them sincerely for their generous support.

Ipswich councillor Andrew Antoniolli gets a lesson in paddling from Steve. Kirsty Hogarth from Ipswich Water looks on. Farnie Swanepoel from GLOBAL Satellite Phones and Data Communcations presents Steve with a satellite phone which will be vital for our bush communications.


Steve leaves the banks of the Bremmer River while doing a phone interview with ABC Radio.





Images by Bruce Lumb - Refer to copyright notice